Featured White Papers from Voya Investment Management
Fixed Income Perspectives: What Could Cause Volatility in the Short Term?
November 01, 2024
The roller coaster of recent employment readings has caused a fair bit of volatility lately. This month, Voya IM introduces a new macro dashboard to help explain short-term market movements, while providing context for the broader trends we expect to drive markets over time.
Better Together: How Unconstrained Bonds Can Help Enhance Fixed Income Portfolios
October 01, 2024
Strengthen a traditional core bond allocation with a flexible, well-disciplined unconstrained bond fund. The complementary allocations can help improve diversification, increase yield, and reduce interest rate risk.
Fixed Income Perspectives: We Said to Expect Volatility
September 03, 2024
Whatever the exact cause of recent volatility, the more significant point is that it was an opportunity to add credit risk amid a positive outlook for underlying fundamentals.
Fixed Income Perspectives: Themes for 2H24 – Volatility is a Ladder
July 01, 2024
As we approach the halfway point of the year, all eyes remain on Federal Reserve policy and the pace of inflation’s downward trend. Central banks are becoming more dovish, but when will the much-anticipated rate cuts materialize? We’ve identified six key themes we believe will influence the Fed and impact investors in the second half of 2024. Spoiler alert: Periods of volatility are likely and will provide opportunities to episodically add risk.
3 Reasons to Get Back to Bonds After the Cash Craze
June 01, 2024
Cash has a place in portfolios, but bonds are a better choice for locking in yields, boosting return potential and providing diversification benefits. If you still have a pile of cash on the sidelines, there are strong reasons to consider putting some of it back to work in bonds.
Securitized Credit Outlook 2024: Room to Run
May 06, 2024
Much of the securitized credit market displays improving fundamentals and is benefiting from the current encouraging economic growth—but expect some turbulence as overly optimistic Fed prognostications are brought down to earth.
Three reasons to invest in private equity
November 01, 2023
Private equity has become an increasingly viable option for many individual investors seeking to diversify their portfolios and mitigate volatility. Here are a few reasons to consider PE as part of a strategic allocation to alternatives.
Simplifying Private Equity Secondaries
May 19, 2023
Private equity has traditionally been dominated by large institutions, but is gaining ground in individual investor portfolios, helped by a growing secondary market that has made allocating to private equity easier.
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